Rohypnol and GHB
Rohypnol, also known colloquially as “roofies”, is an illegal substance that is known as a date rape drug for the fact that alcohol is often laced with this illegal substance as a means of sedating and incapacitating others. As a very powerful depressant, when mixed with other depressants the result may lead to death or cardiac arrest. Thus a person who has had a drink laced with this substance could very well perish. This substance is also known as a club drug for its ability to lower inhibitions and to place the user in a hypnotic, relaxed state of mind.
Just like Rohypnol or “roofies”, GHB is associated with date rape and the club and rave scene. In the club scene this drug is often labelled “liquid ecstacy” for its perceived similarities to MDMA. In places GHB has also been used as a kind of steroid in gym settings by powerlifters. Severe complications such as seizures and loss of consciousness may arise from mixing this drug with other substances, particularly other depressants as GHB is a central nervous system depressant. This drug can produce dependence with prolonged and sustained use, and some of the symptoms of withdrawal include tremors, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability.